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Formvar Carbon Film on Copper/ Gold / Nickel
These Formvar films are strengthened by evaporating a carbon layer on a copper mesh, making the composite film more tough and stronger than pure carbon/pure polymer films. They are recommended for use in situations where the grid needs to undergo multiple processing steps during sample preparation
Formvar Film on Copper/ Gold / Nickel
Formvar coated grids without carbon layer are suitable for TEM applications up to 100kV. These films can be used on copper grids.
Carbon Film on Copper/ Gold / Nickel
Carbon-coated copper meshes are thin, highly electron-transparent films with fine grains and low contrast that do not interfere with sample structure. Carbon film thickness is 28-30nm.
Holey Carbon Film on Copper/ Gold / Nickel
Holed carbon films have many uses in microscopy, but for some applications the mesh size of standard TEM grids is too large to support the sample. Continuous carbon films can also be a problem because the film can inelastically scatter electrons and cause background noise. Therefore, porous carbon membranes are a suitable alternative. Porous carbon films have pores of different sizes. In addition to providing support, the enhanced image contrast of the pore area compared to the membrane area is also beneficial. Typical applications include biology, materials science, and cryo-TEM.
Lacey Carbon Film on Copper/ Gold / Nickel
Lacey carbon films are similar to Holey carbon films in that they both have open areas, but due to their fine lacy mesh structure, they offer a greater proportion of open area in comparison. They provide the thinnest support film while remaining strong enough to produce little background interference in TEM. Since many samples are unsupported, these films are suitable where a structure-free background is required. Lacey carbon films are particularly suitable for studying some nanotubes, needle crystals and biological/material samples.
TEM 網格
Graticules 生產 TEM 網格已有 50 多年的歷史,在我們使用的材料範圍內是獨一無二的。 我們生產銅、銅/銠、鎳、金、鉬、鈦、鋁和不銹鋼網格,全部符合當今 TEM 用戶要求的非常高的標準。 Maxtaform、Embra、Brandsma 和 Value 品牌包括方形網格、六角形網格、定位器、索引、孔、槽和各種材料的專業圖案,以滿足個性化應用。 所有 Graticules Optics TEM 網格(值範圍除外)均經過 100% 檢查。
載物,校準標尺,網格 - PS1000 Long Scale 1000mm/1mm
高解析度校準產品在全球範圍內用於校準顯微鏡、成像系統、座標測量設備和計量儀器。 如果客戶需要校準的可追溯性,Graticules Optics 可以提供 UKAS 或 NPL 校準證書,可追溯至國際標準,並對客戶自己的產品進行重新校準。
載物,校準標尺,網格 - PS1
高解析度校準產品在全球範圍內用於校準顯微鏡、成像系統、座標測量設備和計量儀器。 如果客戶需要校準的可追溯性,Graticules Optics 可以提供 UKAS 或 NPL 校準證書,可追溯至國際標準,並對客戶自己的產品進行重新校準。
Precision Apertures
高精度電鑄圓形孔徑 可選擇安裝座/支架中的全系列精密針孔,您可以從該範圍內選擇您喜歡的孔徑尺寸。 高精度電鑄矩形狹縫 全系列精密狹縫,可選擇安裝座/支架。 從範圍內選擇您喜歡的狹縫尺寸。 光學狹縫 光學品質玻璃盤上的高光密度不透明鍍鉻。 光學針孔光學品質玻璃盤上的高光密度不透明鍍鉻未安裝的長狹縫箔片選擇狹縫寬度[5 至1000 微米],長度可達7.5 毫米,通常以未安裝的10 毫米直徑銅箔形式提供。 可配備 16 毫米鋁製安裝座/支架。
Copper EM-Tec FIB lift out grids
The copper EM-Tec FIB lift-out grids are available with either 2, 3, 4 or 5 posts. Thickness is 30-40µm, which makes them more rigid then standard TEM grids. EM-Tec FIB lift-out grids undergo a unique cleaning process to reduce contamination; this results in improved mounting and imaging of the TEM lamellas. Due to the manufacturing process, the copper FIB lift-out grids have a set-back ridge at the edge of the front side and exhibit smooth side walls.
Copper EM-Tec FIB lift out grids
The copper EM-Tec FIB lift-out grids are available with either 2, 3, 4 or 5 posts. Thickness is 30-40µm, which makes them more rigid then standard TEM grids. EM-Tec FIB lift-out grids undergo a unique cleaning process to reduce contamination; this results in improved mounting and imaging of the TEM lamellas. Due to the manufacturing process, the copper FIB lift-out grids have a set-back ridge at the edge of the front side and exhibit smooth side walls.
Copper EM-Tec FIB lift out grids
The copper EM-Tec FIB lift-out grids are available with either 2, 3, 4 or 5 posts. Thickness is 30-40µm, which makes them more rigid then standard TEM grids. EM-Tec FIB lift-out grids undergo a unique cleaning process to reduce contamination; this results in improved mounting and imaging of the TEM lamellas. Due to the manufacturing process, the copper FIB lift-out grids have a set-back ridge at the edge of the front side and exhibit smooth side walls.